SSC Exam Result 2024 Marksheet Download এসএসসি রেজাল্ট

SSC Exam Result 2024 Marksheet Download এসএসসি রেজাল্ট Nine education boards of the country are working to publish the results of the SSC examination within the time limit fixed by the Ministry of Education. The test ended on November 23. Talking to the officials of the Board of Education, it is known that the Minister of Education to publish the results of the SSC examination. Result-making is being done according to the time allotted by the Minister of Education. Teachers will look at the books and send them to the board. Then the numbers will be entered into the software and the result will be submitted.

Asked about this, Rajshahi Board of Education Chairman Professor Habibur Rahman told The Daily Campus, “We are working to publish the results of the SSC examination in time.” The results will be released within the time frame of the ministry.

শিক্ষার সব খবর সবার আগে জানতে AllResultNotice এর ইউটিউব চ্যানেলের সাথেই থাকুন। আমদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেল সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন YouTube Channel

SSC Exam Result 2024 Marksheet Download এসএসসি রেজাল্ট

SSC Exam Result 2022 Marksheet Download এসএসসি রেজাল্ট

The results will be known by visiting the website on the Internet. The results can be ascertained by clicking on the submit button (Submit Button) by going to this website with roll number, exam name (Examination) name, and board select (Select).

Server problems are caused due to excessive traffic almost every year to know the result on the education board website. So it may take a little longer to know the result through the website. There are options for this.

এসএসসি পরীক্ষার রেজাল্ট 2024 প্রকাশ লিঙ্ক দেখুন

এসএসসি ও সমমানের পরীক্ষার ফলাফল দেখতে নিচের আইপি এড্রেসগুলোতে চেষ্টা করতে পারেন।
রেজাল্ট Server এ আপলোড হলেই। এই ৪ টা IP তে গেলেই দেখতে পারবেন।

IP গুলোর যে কোন একটি কপি করে Opera, Chrome Browser এ Paste করে ঢুকে পড়বেন। একটা না কাজ করলে আরেকটা দিয়ে চেষ্টা করবেন। Server এখন বন্ধ আছে রেজাল্ট আপলোড করার পরেই Server Open করে দিবে।


How to know the SSC Result on mobile phone SMS?

In SSC order to get results through SMS on mobile, you have to write the first three letters of the board’s name with space and write down the roll number with space and write down the past year with space to 16222.

For example: Send SSC DHA 123456 2024 to 16222.

Dakhil For the Madrassa Education Board, the Madrassa Education Board should write the first three letters of the board’s name in space and write down the roll number with space and write the pass year with space to 16222. For example: Send Dakhil MAD 123456 2024 to 16222.

How to know SSC results on mobile phones:

Earlier, at a press conference at the Secretariat on November 26, the Minister of Education. Dipu Moni said that the results will be released within 30 days after the completion of the SSC examination. Besides, next year’s SSC exams are not being held in February as before. When and how will be announced later.

According to the data, 22,026,113 candidates from 29,035 schools, madrasas, and technical institutes are participating in SSC and equivalent examinations in 3,069 centers this year. Out of these, 18 lakh 996 candidates from 18 thousand 8 schools have taken part in the SSC examination from 9 general boards. The technical board also had another 125,059 candidates. On the other hand, a total of 3 lakh 10 thousand 162 candidates have participated in the Madrasa Board.

Due to the coronavirus, SSC and equivalent examinations have been conducted in a short syllabus this time. Students had to take exams only in subject-based subjects in the light of a short syllabus excluding basic subjects.

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